DMOZ; Hall of Shame-2
Aquarium Forums Hall of Shame; Part Two- DMOZ and SEO Chat forums

DMOZ is a human edited directory, staffed by volunteers usually from similar fields to which they edit (which may or may not be a conflict of interest, but I will not question the integrity of those in fields I do not know).
However in the field* I have spent a life’s work, I know that many of the articles that are listed in DMOZ are of poor quality or worse (*aquarium/pond keeping and of which I have been prodded to publish this work for more than a decade before I finally did with my many articles).
To set the stage, let me point out that a quick search of the DMOZ directory under Home, then Pets, then Fish/Aquaria will yield several at best spammy sites “The Baily fish” as one example.
Many of these sites give not necessarily incorrect information, however it is often anecdotal or "cut & paste" which can not give a newbie to advanced aquarist the full picture.
I know from the many emails, aquarium forums posts, and my old maintenance business questions posed that even simply incomplete information can lead to confusion as to correct procedures of fish care, often with disastrous results.
Another site listed is Fish Lore, this site dates to 2007 (I requested a listing in 2005), and again while this site is not necessarily bad, it is often VERY anecdotal such as an article about the Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle where they have resurrected the long ago discredited by aquarium professionals method of using Raw Shrimp to cycle an aquarium. While this method can work, it also increases the risk of inducing a Saprolegnia infection in a new fish keepers tank; frankly this is IRRESPONSIBLE and for DMOZ to accept this previously noted web site and reject in depth, researched articles such as The Aquarium Nitrogen Cycle is simply disgusting (especially when one considers the number of researchers outside the often anecdotal aquarium hobby that have written with their praise of this article and others from this website).
Fish Lore also has misinformation in other subjects such as UV Sterilizer and Melafix Dangers.
Another problem is that Google can give a lot of weight to its searches to sites that are listed in the DMOZ directory, so often searches can be skewed as well here, allowing these anecdotal or downright dangerous web sites come to the top of searches (such as the before mentioned web sites)!
An example of a recent email question as of initial writing of this article led me to this Google Search: “freshwater aquarium calcium” which yielded some reasonable sites as to Marine Aquarium Calcium, of which the need is better understood, yet for the less understood but still important subject of freshwater aquarium calcium, the search came up dry.
This is unfortunately an important subject as correct fish osmoregulation depends on calcium and other electrolytes as well.
Now, back to Seo Chat Forums; I posted on a thread about “shutting down DMOZ” with this comment:
“I do not claim to be an expert in DMOZ or its editors, and maybe 90% are ethical and do the right thing.
However what I can say after 30 plus years in the aquarium industry in research, maintenance and sales is this hobby/industry is extremely anecdotal, passing around the same tired information over and over, never using research from much better funded industries (such as Horticulture, marine research, human drug studies, etc, etc.) to back up what is stated.
For instance I see this in aquarium lighting, where the newer technology T2 and SHO lights are nowhere to be found except in use by aquarium professionals that have to use and stand by their choices on a daily basis.
Another point is a person that worked at an Aquarium Supply distributor as a manager near the end of his career told me a few years back: “I have worked in management for the past 30 years of my life and never have I seen a more back stabbing, dishonest and corrupt industry until I took this job.
My point is unfortunately Google gives weight to DMOZ, and even though many editors may well be good, honest persons, I know from my past three years of submissions that this is not true based on what I do know to be true.”
I am not sure how this previously noted statement got twisted that I am stating that all the editors are corrupt, or how ended up with me being accused of being a liar (& worse) multiple times, however I will state from my own submissions to a very low volume category (fish/aquaria) that my aquatic information site is still sitting there.
At the least the fact that so many so-so sites exist while mine and other more current research sites are not added makes the point that this is a poor source for viable aquatic information.
At worst it is possible that other sites are being “sat on” based on an editor who is trying to keep his/her agenda in there and block other information that has mores facts that would make their favorites look bad. Read whatever you want into this or my statement on the forum, but this is not a lie, nor is this a charge that all editors at DMOZ are corrupt.
Fathom who is one of the more vicious posters (as per his attacks on me and often others as well) in this forum stated that he is “passionate about this subject”, well he has that right to be, but I too have a right to be passionate about the subject of aquatic misinformation that often makes new aquarists quit and often even frustrates advanced aquarists when information they are seeking is either anecdotal, corrupt, or simply cannot be found and DMOZ along with Google often do not make this easy.
As well, this same person suggested that I get a job on the board at Google which is a ludicrous statement, when all I was stating is that either DMOZ changes some procedures or (better) Google gives less weight to DMOZ directory sites (or other so called “authority sites”) and more to content (which includes links within this content to other research, often of university level to back up the content).
This is a simple matter of “doing what’s right” rather than ridiculous statements such as were directed at me.
I will admit that I finally stood up for myself with an example of a different attack after his comments about getting a job on the board of directors at Google or an editor at DMOZ with this statement:
“But what is really troubling to me now, is this is almost the exact answer I got from children's services (DHS, DCS) when asking them to do the right thing after several reports to them about my kids after my daughter’s molester was trying to turn the tables by redirecting this corrupt organization against me.
What a sad world we live in when this is the answer to doing what is right.”
I am sorry, but I was told similar (to get a job, run for county commissioner) if I did not like what was being done and this hit a raw nerve, especially in light of recent problems with this persons and my daughter’ nightmares.
My admittedly harsh response brought out the real evil venom from two individuals and a childish response to remove ALL credibility I had gained over two years of being on this forum (which is a silly system IMO besides that allows this).
This forum still publishes some good articles and has some good people with good information posting there (such as Egol), however the moderation there is poor or non existent (IMO) and this guy along with others often will attack others that due not agree with their world view.
In fact I have since gone back and looked the over the forum category that this thread was under and this guy in his so-called passion (which I have no right to have my own passion according to this horrible monster of a human being) still uses the same tired line of "why don't you become an editor if you do not like it.
This is the most lame argument IMO when all others ask for is more honesty in DMOZ, however the system is set up with the Fox guarding the Hen House in possibly many categories with areas of conflict of interest that would be thrown out in a court of law is all good and proper at DMOZ.
I will however point out that even with the down right evil statements this person directed at me (and was backed up by other mean spirited persons), I am in NO way saying he does not look at all admissions in his category through an unbiased eye, in fact I know for a fact that my Brothers Toffee Company Web site got added very quickly by DMOZ.
However my original point that the way the system is set up at DMOZ, which includes way to much authority given by Google, but with some in this forum,it appears Google IS GOD so no argument can be made on this subject either.
This attitude can allow either anecdotal or worse; dishonest editors to run a muck, and this is a FACT at the very least for the Aquarium Pets: Fish and Aquaria Category.
The bottom line is just because the Candy Category (Shopping: Food: Confectionery: Taffy and Toffee) may all happy and honest, does not mean others are.
Finally, despite comments made in defense of this guy in SEO Chat that he is passionate about this subject so he often gets hostile due to this, I too am passionate about aquarium keeping, as I have sacrificed MUCH (better pay and more) to spend time in research and more on this subject as I know how much MANY care about their finned friends and that so much of the bad information that permeates the internet passes through Google and DMOZ and I feel this is simply WRONG.
This is simply my passion for which many who honestly know me will attest to the fact that I will often go an extra mile to help other here!
Why should I give even more of my free time (of which I have NONE) editing DMOZ simply because this guy says I have no credibility unless I do when I already give much of my free time objectively helping other with their aquariums navigate around the myriad of bad information that Google and DMOZ seem to happily provide?
The Answer of coarse, is NO
I will close that I again am not condemning all editors at DMOZ nor SeoChat (I still read and occasionally post questions as there are some very knowledgeable persons there), but there clearly are issues at DMOZ in the aquaria category and clearly are issues at SeoChat when it comes to moderation and the lack of banning of certain individuals.
Updated 10/21/12 Some persons simply cannot help themselves at SEOCHAT! I went there for SEO help with this website and while no one would deny the website is far from great (it is a community project too I might add), these guys went on a flaming attack insulting me and my employees who also registered there to defend my. Both employees were banned for life, despite saying nothing wrong other than telling persons to simply behave and answer the question (in particular one moderator). I ended up having to defend what it was about, despite part of the idea 6 years ago came from helpful persons at SEOCHAT (as per making niche sites for link juice). What seemed difficult to get across is that this site has done very well for keywords such as "Melafix Dangers", and all I was looking to do is gain back these search terms in Google (not a problem in Bing). Even one person who was somewhat helpful did not get that persons have saved their fish due corrections of cut and paste information such as "Melafix Dangers" and "Aquarium Planaria". In the end I too was temporarily banned for calling the moderator childish for banning my co-workers, yet his abusive tone and that of one of his clone friends stands. An example such as calling me "Beyond help" is somehow not considered abusive there, or even his first remarks such as unreadable without giving any examples of SEO issues. As for unreadable, my feedback would disagree and in fact we have gotten recent compliments for the new banner (which was professionally done, in other words I did not make this). Anyway, I will say no more other than a few friends and business partners I have shared this link with had a good laugh and agreed their behavior was in indeed childish and unprofessional. Here is the link (you will need to copy and paste it into your browser) |
Here is a thread to read for more evidence of the attitude and downright hate espoused at SEOChat Forums: Please paste in your browser Readers can form their own opinion based on how a person asks a simple question and then gets attacked and told "I'd kick you off the internet if I could...." |
Here are just a few of the sites where many 1000s of hours worth of research, hands on experience, and yes even corrections to my own mistakes have gone into (I have MANY more):

Aquarium Lighting

POND CARE; Information,Clear Water - Proper Pond Filtration, Cleaning, care, chemistry & Basics for maintaining a beautiful garden pond
Recommended Aquatic Sites![]() |
![]() Premier Articles include Aquarium Lighting, Aquarium Chemistry; Calcium & more, etc. |
![]() AQUARIUM AND POND ANSWERS with articles such as RO, Soft Water for Aquarium, PUR vs PAR in Aquarium Lighting or Aquarium Silicone Applications |
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Labels: Aquarium Calcium, Aquarium UV Sterilizer, Columnaris Disease, DMOZ, fathom, Google, SEO, SEO Chat
great article my friend....keep up the great work
keep up the great work my friend....their are alot of lil phucks out there living in their parents basements who feel better about themselves to put you down. well, many of us know your contribution to the hobby and i thank you for that....
I read parts of this thread, and coupled with my knowledge of the aquarium business from a professional point of view (dating back to 1986), I can state that this guy (I assume Fathom?) really is an arrogant SOB that may know a lot about websites, SEO and whatever else this forum is about, but he clearly knows NOTHING about the constant misinformation and lies that are treated like truths over and over and truths that are hidden so as to protect these lies and continue to promote the same cr## products and information.
I am not familiar with DMOZ, but if this site will not list your excellent research articles (which IMHU are the best & most researched on the internet) for WHATEVER reason, then DMOZ really sucks and is not place to visit at least for aquatic sites.
As well if this guy cannot see this (same for the other person that was really rude), he needs to go join the flat earth society or simply shut up when he does not know what he is talking about rather than attacking the messenger
recbutpCarl, after you posted this NEW Seochat "update" thread in the aquarium forums private message board, I gave it a look
Not to be harsh to you, but why do you go back to places such as this?
In other words why do you “throw your pearls to swine”???
This “Clicky B” and “DarrenHaye” are clearly sociopaths.
They clearly do what they accuse you of while they buddy up and remove your friends. BTW, I am guessing that Misti was totally removed?
I even have to disagree with you as per the one person you claim “helped you”
She commented at the beginning of her so-called help that showed her contempt for you. Additionally, she showed even more contempt with her “ have a lot of nerve coming in here and asking for a review after publicly dissing us” comment when it was clear either she did not read this thread or worse, actually supports the evil bastard that attacked you in this other thread you cite!
Since I know little about “SEO”, I assume by looking at these members profiles that this is their business. If so, why would anyone ever do business with someone who acts this way? The answer is no one Carl, so I would not trust their advice
Carl, you can do better than this, stop going to places like this.
Thank you for your opinion.
I guess I will not even bother to even read (“lurk”) there either as I have in the past.
Your last point is well taken, as I was looking into some professional SEO help for my major websites (not this one, is a minor one, which I could not seem to get across to these people at Seochat).
I will certainly look elsewhere where persons show much more honesty and can behave like adults
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